

這是舊的, 將這進化到以下的:

試一試這形式, 大家党得可以嗎? 要加或減資料嗎?

4 則留言:

Bkin Ho 說...

正喎, 不過我個人覺得可以留中文名及nickname和加埋position:何子建, bkin, RF

Hercules 說...

i see, try my best! thanks bkin.

Seven 說...

無得頂! Ivan 仔個隻! 加positon & nickname 就足夠!

Walace 說...

Your suggestion is good enough. Is all player should take a photo like that (standard post) or randam post?

On the other hand, your fond size is want to enforce "Herculse" and "Back No.". Right? It is Good. However, I suggest small font size for "English Full Name". As least it shall be smaller that my Nickname. (on the field, every call Walace whether that "Leung Wing Hong".
Thank you for your effort